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How to Write the Paper

Thursday, June 2, 2016


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  1. Shia LaBeouf is such an interesting character, and kind of reminds me of when Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan all went through their crises. When he went around wearing that bag on his head, I feel like it drew more attention to him rather than got people to stop talking about him. This event where people got to go confront him is a BRILLIANT publicity stunt. People waited hours in line just to see him for a few minutes. It shows how committed fans can be, and even during an actor's roughest times, true fans will still be there to support you. I will never fully understand Shia LaBouf's logic behind his actions, but he is a perfect example as to how fame can damage you rather than make you a better person.

  2. I remember hearing about this when it happened a couple years ago but never looked into it. I wonder what the purpose behind this art exhibit was, along with the bag saying "I am not famous anymore." I also remember hearing Shia LaBeouf accusing someone that came in of raping him, but I have not heard much about it since then. Does anyone know of his reasoning for this exhibit or any follow up information? The whole scenario is interesting to say the least.
