I've looked through the requested videos and books for this course and gathered them together on this page to make it easier for you. If you haven't finished yet, this post may be useful as a reader's guide.
Looking at the production values aspects, consider the linkages between the following:
Berger (Ways of Seeing) (this is the link to the first of four videos)
- Shows us the visual essay and how juxtaposition makes meaning
- Reveals the meaning behind the gaze, and specifically, the male gaze
- Discusses the use of visual artifacts to create contextual meaning in the frame space
- Considers the frame itself as an integral part of the artwork
Zetl (Media Aesthetics, Shot by Shot)
- Uses the frame to create dynamic tension between motion vectors and dominant images
- Discusses the x, y, and z axis, and the use of the "space" translation from two to three dimensional
- Discusses the collision between shots, and how linear linkages create meaning
- Discusses in-frame construction, dominant images, etc as well as out-of-frame motivated contextual devices (suggestivity.)
The Cinematography Video
- Focuses on how the movement of the camera catalyzes meaning in the brain
- Looks at how camera movements developed in a parallel way to how the eye sees, but the movements were all unintentionally neuro-biologically relatable to brain chemistry and the physiology of the eye.
The Cutting Edge Editing Video
- Discusses the history of editing
- Considers the power of juxtapositioning and collision
- Explains the use of the sonic fabric and textures
- Delves into the physiology of editing
- Looks at making meaning visually and temporally
A Sense of Direction (Bill Ball)
- Studies the meta-ideas of Unity and Belief
- Parses out the theory of The Golden Key
- Observes the Verb, or the Want
- Assimilates the performance meta-question with the question of the entire film/performance as a single entity
In the Blink of an Eye (suggested book)
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