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How to Write the Paper

Monday, May 23, 2016

What to Look For: Part One


So there's some fun framing and editing here.  The framing and editing are key to creating meaning.  Or not being able to if you're lame.  Just kidding.

Example One:


Notice the costume design.  The foreground is an eye-catching pink, opened in the shape of a triangle, the point of the triangle leading to the man's face.  Think I'm wrong?  Think about how many other ways that shirt could have been arranged.

Look also at the arrangement of the men.  There are four men, a very solid visual balance.  They are in a descending geometric pattern of a diamond.  All four men occupy a different place on the X axis.
(left to right). 

On the Y axis, vertically oriented, the front man is balanced out nicely by the man in the far back.

The man in the far back is giving depth to the picture, on the Z axis (depth).  We work to do this in how we construct shots to mirror how the brain sees the world, thus giving purchase to the world of the film we are trying to construct.  We are trying to take a two-dimensional image and suggest that it is a three-dimensional world.

Also see how the men on the left and right are "holding up" the frame.

The dominant image, or what has the most "graphic weight."

Other ideas?  The hat?  The other colors used?  Please comment:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think how all the men are sitting holds the most graphic weight. No matter how many times you look away from the image, the first thing my eye is drawn to is, how the four guys are sitting. So, I feel that how the men are sitting holds the most graphic weight
