Hi, Everyone,
Here is what your month looks like in this class:
June 1 - 10
Read the books, think about my posts (I have been recording them all weekend, here they come), watch the videos. Blog. Ask me questions via email.
June 11 : Creepy Stalker Project Due (if you choose to do this one)
Post your artifacts (via pictures or a video) on the blog with a written explanation about all the choices you made to explain your character's inner psyche. Or, you can send your pictures and paper to me via email. More instructions are located on the blog in various places including a video and the full syllabus.
June 12-14
Continue reading, making your projects, etc.
June 15
Post your short film or send it to me with a write-up about the choices you made and why, if you chose this option.
Email me your paper if you chose this option.
June 16-25
Continue reading, making your projects, etc.
June 26
Email the Frame by Frame assignment
Also please post at least twice a week in response to anything you read and found interesting. 2/week= 70% or average
I like how the assignments are spread out over the month, without having the major project due till the end of the month, it gives everyone a chance to focus on the other assignments and lets people take a quick breath before the last assignment is due.